Sunday, March 6, 2011

George Will Hits The Nail on the Head

I read this essay by George Will (courtesy of the Newsweek Magazine which Mom and Dad send us at work--thanks!)
Its called High Speed Insolvency--Why Liberals Love Trains

Why do we borrow BILLIONS of dollars to build trains to take us from Point A to Point B more slowly, and at higher cost, than airplanes, and that almost no one uses?
He thinks he has the answer.
What do you think?

There's another reason why we get high speed trains, that he doesn't touch on.
People always have, and always will, love to sell things to the government, whether we need them or not. Where there's money to be made, there will always be a lobby to urge the government to buy--even dumb stuff. As citizens, we need to be better consumers. Otherwise, a fool and his money are soon parted.
George Will's piece should be studied as a masterpiece of opinion essay writing--whether one agrees with conclusion or not.

1 comment:

Irenicus said...

Seems fascinating. Can you include a reference or link to said article? Without that reference, I must simply take your word for it.